Manage you account

Viewing account statement and pay through the app for iúnigo Mobile Experience.

Role Sr. UX Designer
Team Agile squad | After-sales
Company iúnigo Seguros


Iunigo is the first 100% online Car Insurance Company in Argentina. This means that clients can manage their car insurance through an app. However, many functionalities regarding the handling of payments and visualization of the account statement were not included in the app. Working alongside developers, I began to notice that the Customer Service Team needed constant support to answer basic customer claims.

So, we put together a chart to understand what were the reasons for customer complaints. This pie chart illustrates interactions between clients and Customer Service for a period of 6 months regarding questions about payments. The yellow area is Account Status (39%). The total amount of interactions (calls and messages): 6113.

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The increasing amount of customer's calls about the status of their accounts with questions such as: "I want to know when is my next payment date."

  • Complaints from clients.
  • Decreasing efficiency of backend developers.
  • The collapse of the customer service team and lack of resources to deal with important cases.

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The first step was to understand if the users wanted to speak with a human or they would like to receive this type of information in a different way. So, I sent a survey to the clients that had previously asked about the status of their accounts and also added a like/dislike button to measure a new email with payment information. We measure this email for 3 months.

The result was really successful with over 1000 likes towards less than 15 dislikes. So next steps were:

  • Iterating the email to give clients the information that they needed.
  • Planning a feature for the app that allowed self-management.

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As a team we defined a hypothesis based on research: Clients would stop contacting Customer Service to ask about next payment dates or past invoices if they have access to the information. We decided to make a roadmap to implement the different functionalities the Account Manager feature was expected to have.

We divided it into 3 development stages:

  • To be able to check the status of your account.
  • To be able to change your payment method.
  • Iterate both functionalities based on metrics and user feedback.

Goals & how to measure success

We defined the process goals to be measurables and have an impact on claims, so we included marketing and CX team to help communicate this feature to users. We used the following tools to measure this feature:

  • Amplitude for app events
  • Analytics for Emails
  • Claims on CX Salesforce's dashboard


  • Improve CSAT score on Payments
  • Reduce Claims

process goals:

  • Reduce claims related payment information and payment methods.
  • Increase Active Users per month.

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  • If you are doing a digital product you need to go digital. People who buy a digital product want to find answers to their questions digitally. There is a big difference between having a problem and needing information. In this second case, almost 100% of users want to get a response without interacting with a person.
  • Sometimes multitasking can be very inefficient. Working on multiple processes at the same time creates chaos and delays deliveries a lot. So, the team doesn’t understand what is a priority and what is not, each one manages different objectives and in the end, the delay and lack of coordination end up generating rework and putting the integrity of the process at risk.

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